Saturday, June 23, 2012

Kevin Smith's Dogma

If somebody were to ever say that I had to pick only 5 movies to watch for the rest of eternity, Dogma would probably take up 4 of the 5 slots. There are lots of lunch-worthy elements of the film but I'm going with a couple from the beginning of the film for tonight.

Buddy Christ and Catholicism WOW!
I thought it was only fitting to have "loaves and fishes" tied in so Buddy Christ is a tuna sandwich (using a great recipe from MOMables) on Udi's bread. The letters, hearts and Catholicism WOW! poster are monterey jack cheese. The poster is sitting on Goldfish crackers and in the top left is mixed fruit. The drink container has grape juice in it.


  1. hahahahahahahaha I LOVE THIS.
    Buddy Christ in a lunchbox. Fabulous.

  2. you crack me up!!!! This is AWESOME! one of the best movies ever!

  3. Look at that sandwich, doesn't it pop? LOVE IT!
