Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Snowman Pizza (and Oh, Christmas Tree!)

Wednesday's are typically Pizza Day at John's school but he passes in favor of lunch from home ... so today he gets both! He has a pepperoni snowman pizza on an english muffin with a "snowball" cupcake and grapes. The eyes and mouth of the snowman are from a black olive and the nose, of course, is a carrot.

Since I took Monday off for the Day of Remembrance, here's  what you would have seen then:

Friday John's class is going to go caroling to the other classes in his school and when I heard him humming "Oh Christmas Tree" while playing I knew exactly what he would have for lunch!
The tree is a simple pb&j sandwich with a colby jack star and Sixlets ornaments. In the tree snack container are yogurt-covered raisins and Craisins and it's surrounded by popcorn.


  1. These are both very cute!

    1. Thank you! He ended up eating everything but the carrot nose. The boy just has this "thing" against carrots, it seems :)

  2. These are too adorable! I love them!
