Monday, February 4, 2013

Angry Birds MTM (Kinda. Sorta. Close enough?)

It's a pretty simple Angry Birds lunch today using the LunchBots Quad that John loves so much. It ended up being kinda like a Muffin Tin Meal .... sorta. Kinda.
Clockwise from top left:
Angry Bird Gummies, Angry Bird CheeseNips,
Nirvana Natural Foods Veggie Sticks, Old Wisconsin Turkey Bites

And John doesn't even have school today!!!
(I worked last night ... got home around 7:30am ... will likely pass out around lunchtime.)

Used In This Lunch:


  1. Awesome game choice! Angry Birds FTW! :)

  2. That green piggie pick is perfection! (say that three times fast!)

  3. Muffin Cups in a Tin is close enough for me :) I bet John totally adored this lunch!

  4. My nephew would love your Angry Birds theme! So cute!
