Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Towel Day!

I'm actually not going in to work tonight thanks to an awful migraine brought on by what appears to be the worst cold ever settling into my left eye. If I was going to work, though, my lunch would have to celebrate Towel Day!
Since putting a towel in my food sounded rather unappealing, I'm using cheese representations of two famous and uber-important pieces of Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide: 42 (the ultimate answer) and DON'T PANIC (in large friendly letters). The 42 is sitting on baked chicken. DON'T PANIC is on low-carb pasta.


  1. Feel better! And as always awesome lunch! Happy Towel day!

    1. Thanks! My eye is less oozey than it has been but one more night of sleep will probably help :)

  2. I love it when one of your lunches can also be linked to Doctor Who :)

    1. And I love it when you catch such obscurities ;)
