Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten is Angry Birds!

At first I was going to wait until John went to bed tonight to work on his lunch for tomorrow ... but I needed/wanted his input so started it while he was just on the other side of the kitchen counter painting with some new water colors at the dining room table. I'm so glad I did, too, because he was a HUGE help and we had SO much fun once he realized what I was doing.

Now, if you know anything about my boy from following me on Facebook, Twitter or my other blog you know he's one of the biggest (and smallest) Angry Birds addicts there is. His 5th Birthday party? Angry Birds. His favorite toys? Angry Birds. The reason we HAD to buy iPads? Angry Birds. If he's not playing Angry Birds he's probably watching YouTube videos about Angry Birds.

It really came as no surprise when he requested an Angry Birds lunch for his first day of school.

The pig was done before he started to pay attention with a chunk of monterey jack cheese painted with food gel. He got curious once I began cutting out the birds from his turkey sandwich :)

Because of the size of the container the birds ended up being small and I knew he would need more food so we made another sandwich and cut it to size for the background (with grass painted on). Some vanilla yogurt raisins for eggs and a slingshot made out of cheese and voila!
Add-ons are an apple, some more yogurt raisins and mini Slim Jims (another addiction). 
For his drink we put some "Angry Bird Juice" (grape flavored water) in his thermos.

And now I think he's even more excited about starting Kindergarten tomorrow!

Linked up to Just a Bunch of Momsense: Lunch Box Round Up and What's For Lunch Wednesday!


  1. This is why you are such an awesome mom!! That is a great idea!!! He looks so excited!!

  2. Just stopping by to say that is one adorable lunch! He looks very excited! Have a great first day, Mommy & Son! ; )

  3. This is so cute! My kids would LOVE IT!!! How did u make the birds, specifically?

  4. I just cut them out of the sandwich with a paring knife & painted the details on with some AmericColor Gel Paste food coloring with a small paintbrush and toothpicks. My son's been an Angry Bird fanatic for quite some time now so I've got a lot of experience cutting Angry Birds out of paper & bread!

  5. You should submit this stuff to bentolunch.net's weekly "What's for Lunch Wednesdays." It's a weekly (Tues pm/Weds) bento link-up party, with some great ideas, like yours! http://www.bentolunch.net/search/label/what%27s%20for%20lunch%20wednesday

  6. He's got to be the most popular kid in the lunch room!

  7. Thanks! I did end up putting this one on ... it's a little daunting submitting anything I do there because I've been a fan for so long! I feel like Wayne & Garth from "Wayne's World" : "We're not worthy!" LOL :)

  8. I actually had one of his classmates mom's send me a message on Facebook saying that she hoped her son DIDN'T sit by John during lunch because it would be too much pressure for her to do something exciting, too. It made me giggle :)

  9. You already know I love this lunch, per my earlier comment! ;) Thanks for linking up the Lunchbox Idea Party!

    Hope you have a great weekend! :)

