Friday, February 24, 2012

Another Pre-Seuss Week Special: Thing 1 & Thing 2

John is SO excited about Seuss Week coming up. He's been off school for the week which would normally mean slacking off on the sandwich art for the lunches but thanks to the new natural colors and John's "pretty pretty please"s, slacking isn't on the menu this week. (Maybe the weekend ... we'll see ...)

Today John's having Thing 1 and Thing 2 from The Cat In The Hat in one of his Fit & Fresh boxes.
Thing 1 & Thing 2 PB&J with cotton candy hair and Goldfish (Krinkelbein, Norval, whatever).
He'll also get fruit and probably carrot sticks when it comes time to eat!

WARNING: The cotton candy used for the Truffula tree tops yesterday and the hair today? Don't try sending it to school! I had his lunch for today sitting out since this morning -- hair and all -- just like it would be if it was a school day and by the time lunch rolled around it wasn't hair anymore but a pile of sugar dust. REAL glad I tried at home before I tried sending!!!


  1. Karen, this is sooooo cute:) I always like Thing1 & Thing2 and their hair looks like real,lol! Have to share this with my family.
